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Construction Phase Work

We understand that your building needs to work. This is how we will ensure that happens during the Construction Phase.


During the construction phase of the project, our role is to ensure that any potential issues are communicated to the right people, as soon as possible. We will be on site frequently to perform prefunctional checks (if we are contracted for those checks) on the equipment in our scope and observe construction. 


Items that we will be working during building construction can include: 

1. Write project-specific prefunctional checklists and functional test sheets; these are submitted to the contractors and Owner for review.


2. Prefunctional checks and site walks - we will create detailed checklists for equipment specific to each project. We will also provide detailed site-visit reports and updated issues logs within 48 hours of being on-site, and within 24 hours whenever possible.


3. Submit requests for more details or clarification as needed when doing Submittal Reviews (most importantly to include a Temperature Controls Submittal Review).


4. Keep abreast of progress by periodically attending regular construction meetings, attend and/or organize other meetings as needed to address any planning, changes, issues, etc. that arise, and review ASIs and construction meeting minutes. Address questions/concerns to appropriate parties and track communications/decisions on each issue.


5. Generate a list of devices for mock-up installation. The first of each type will be completely installed by the mechanical contractor, after which we will gather the design team, contractor(s), and Owner’s representative to review the installation, ensure there are no coordination issues among trades, and ensure compliance with design intent. Our being able to organize mock-ups will depend on when exactly we are hired and how far into construction the project is at that point.


6. Continue to write functional performance tests, requesting input and clarification where needed from contractors and/or design team with enough lead time to get approval from all required parties. Submit for review ahead of functional test start date.


7. ­­Witness start-up of main systems to ensure procedures are adhered to and documentation is completed.

8. Continue to maintain and review a master issues log. Verify issues have been resolved.

9. Continue to facilitate communication among all parties.


10. ­­Conduct TAB coordination meeting(s) to make sure the HVAC system is ready for system balancing. Coordinate among installing contractor, balancing contractor, and temperature controls contractor to ensure an efficient balancing process and establish quality expectations.


11. ­­O&M Manual Review, if possible. O&M manuals are often not submitted to the project manager until near the end of construction, often not until occupancy/warranty phase. However, reviewing those earlier in the construction phase has the benefit of catching any issues (such as service clearances) earlier and avoiding change orders or call-backs.


12. Track issues that require corrections by contractors. Verify and document the resolution of these items via the master issues log.

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